Catches & Reports

Early showers
Another week of hot weather and the bite continues. This week we had early morning storms that hampered some of the offshore trips a bit. The afternoon storms did not get going till around 3pm, so inshore and nearshore was doable till then. If you waited till 7pm then...
Happy Turkey day
Finally, we have had a few days of lighter winds allowing fisherman options as to where they wanted to fish. There was the choice of going out deep a few days this week making lots of offshore captains happy. The nearshore waters stayed relatively calm on the days...
Cold front time
Eventually the wind will have to let down, at least that is what we are hoping happens. The previous week did give a few opportunities for the offshore guys but, most of the fishing was done nearshore and in the back bays. The one good part of having strong winds from...
Windy week
It has been a crazy week for most guides throughout Southwest Florida. We have been dealing with strong winds, a bit of rain, and the tides that are affected by them. The fishing was great mid-week as then we got dealt the North winds. Currently we are dealing with...
November 2020
With the end of 2020 near our focus turns away from watching low pressure systems. Our concerns of fish changing patterns moves from the warm waters of the Gulf and Atlantic, too the Florida state line. The cold fronts are coming and depending on how far they get...
You can book it!
Another great week for those fishing the back bays and flats continued all week. There has been both an influx of fish coming from North of us as well as our usual suspects. The nearshore anglers also found that fish moving from the cooling Northern waters were hungry...
Excellent fishing
The bite this week continued to be excellent, even with a tiny cold front blowing through. The front was really nothing as it basically gave us a reprieve from the humidity for a day or two. Water temperatures dropped only a few degrees or so in most areas and...