Catches & Reports

I’ll pay to have less wind!
Yep, it is still windy! With wind blowing most of the week up to 25 mph, the water is still dirty. Dirty water makes fishing more challenging. Add tougher conditions to slow tides, and it makes for a long week. The offshore guys only got out twice but did manage to go...
Decembers going to be good fishing
December fishing can be productive! Winter has officially begun in Southwest Florida officially, and although we don’t see snow or even much lower than fifty, it can cool off from time to time. Fishing patterns have now moved full-swing into a winter pattern....
Fishing FortMyers beach area has been great!
So we've had some awesome times over the last few weeks. Fishing has been great most of the days, with a few weak fronts stunting it here and there. There's been a bunch of bait available if you need it at times is'ts been so thick I'll throw once and be good for two...
Irma fishing report
Well its been a crazy few weeks both before and after hurricane Irma came through our area. Between pre-storm preparations, followed up with a week of cleaning up its been hectic. As we all deal with both massive power outages, blocked roads, and downed trees We're...
Fun fishing still going
September should give us the last bit of the hot days, transitioning SWFL toward a Fall pattern soon. Don't be fooled it's still going to be hot most of the month, however by the end of the month we should be blessed with temperatures beginning to cool off a bit. With...
Get it while it’s hot
Well it's still hot out mid day and it's best to get out early in the morning or late in the afternoon to beat the heat. Fishing during these times has been productive most of the days. It seems the best morning bites have been when its rained the previous evening....
Summer heat is on!
As July comes to an end and August begins we look forward to or typical Summer pattern returning. Although it rained a bunch in both the mornings and afternoons throughout July the fishing was good. Redfish, Snook, tarpon, and trout were all targeted and caught...