Catches & Reports

Come and get it
The fish were eating at night during the super moon that just occurred. Fishing at night on and around bridges with no lighting was best. The shadow lines that these structures created during the nighttime were fantastic. Bait fish that were using the bridges for...
Early bird special
Well, the hot part of the fishing report has remained consistent. Unless you are going offshore, I would highly recommend starting early. Tidal movement in the shallow waters is an important factor with this high mid-day heat. The nearshore bite will happen a little...
Early start times
The water has cleaned up well since our torrential rains the week previous. We had an entire week of low winds and the continuance of hot days. There were some tidal days when we were forced to start a bit later in the back bays and near shore waters, based on no...
You got this
Another good week has gone by, and fishing continues to be good. We had a few slow tides that we had to get through but overall, it was good. The offshore trips do not have to worry about tides as much, and their trips went well on the low wind days. Nearshore trips...
It’s real good
Another week of outstanding weather and tides made the fishing great for inshore, nearshore, as well as the offshore trips. There were a few days when the wind picked up in the afternoons, but most of the fisherman were back in by then. We did have some sporadic rain...
Yep, it is good
Fishing is good right now and until the sunrise temperatures are in the 80’s, it should continue. We have about three weeks before the humidity, am storms, and the no-see-ums get bad. We will talk more about how, when, and why to fish that scenario in a month or so....
Great time of the year
It was a good week to be in Southwest Florida. Great tidal movement combined with beautiful weather made anglers happy all week long. We did start getting the afternoon thunder storms and rain showers, so a good lightning app on your phone is a smart thing....