What You’ll Catch
Although many anglers just enjoy catching what is available, some anglers are looking for that certain fish or experience. Our charters include back country and near shore fishing so if you have a wish list we should talk. I don’t mind chumming, scouting or doing whatever it takes to get it done. We also do shelling, dolphin tours, eco-tours or just sightseeing while island hoping.

Snook are here almost all year long, with April-December being the best time for them. The snook is known for its hard hits, jumps, ridiculous runs and its uncanny ability to find any structure to break you off on. Snook are a challenge and some previous fishing experience is a good thing when targeting these.
April - December

Redfish are a staple for us and can be found all year long. The redfish hits and takes a powerful run, quiet often they school up with other Reds making for some exciting times. They taste great and are a blast to catch.
All Year

The silver king is like no other, we do have them year round but April-November are the target months. Tarpon are one of the most spectacular fighters out there, with dramatic jumps and surging runs. To hook one is great, to land one means you’ve done something. If you want constant action this ones not for you.
April - November

Trout are here all year long and really show up as our temperatures cool off. Many anglers like catching them for the constant action and good table fair.
All Year

Triple Tail
Triple tail are here all year long they come and go from time to time, but when they’re here we should go. Triple tail are just different. They sometimes jump or greyhound across the water, and they never give up. I have to say they’re one of my favorites and many anglers enjoy them for their table fair, as do I.
All Year

Permit is a run and gun approach, sometimes they are there, sometimes they’re not. If you are a serious angler and want to give it a go, then we’ll talk first about it and see how things pan out. Permit are amazing with their runs, and quite often we chase them all over so we don’t get spooled. This is not for the first timer and if your interested, I’m in because there is nothing like a good day of Permit fishing.
All Year

Shelling is one of the most popular things to do on Sanibel or Cayo Costa and the area is famous for its fabulous shelling. Do it with some lunch or dinner in there and its an experience you will not forget.
All Year

Eco-tours / Sightseeing / Dolphin Watching / Sunrise or Sunsets
We have an amazing amount of wildlife in our area. Whether it’s birds like Herons, Pelicans or Egrets, Manatees or Dolphins we’ve got’em and lots of them. In a flats boat we can get in where their knees are getting wet so jump on and enjoy the paradise called Southwest Florida, its something special!
All Year